Bike for Dad

Bike for Dad

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 27 Oct 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022

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The Royal Thai Government is organizing “Bike for Dad”, a cycling event in Thailand in honor of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to celebrate His Majesty’s 88th birthday anniversary on 5 December 2015 during the period of 11-13 December 2015.


To jointly participate in this auspicious event in honor of His Majesty the King, the Royal Thai Embassy in Budapest will organizing  the “Bike For Dad” event at the Papp Laszlo Sports Arena ( on Friday 11 December 2015.


The Official Bike For Dad program in Budapest Hungary is as follows:

08.30 hrs.                               Registration of Participants

10.00 hrs.                               Welcoming Remarks by Ambassador of Thailand

Tribute to His Majesty the King of Thailand

Photo session

10.30 hrs.                               Commencement of Bike For Dad event

11.30 hrs.                               Refreshments and Snacks

* There may be slight changes to the program.


Interested persons who wish to join the event may click HERE for a copy of the registration form for the Bike For Dad event in Budapest, Hungary. The registration form may be sent to the Royal Thai Embassy, Budapest via Fax. (36-1) 438-4023 or Email. [email protected]. Inquiries may be directed to Telephone number (36-1) 438-4020, 438-4025.