On 7 October 2010, Mr. Pruthipong Poonthrigobol, Charge d’ affaires a.i. led an Embassy’s delegation to donate consumables and necessary items to victims of the Hungarian toxic sludge disaster in Devecser and Kolontar.
On 7 October 2010, Mr. Pruthipong Poonthrigobol, Charge d’ affaires a.i. led an Embassy’s delegation to donate consumables and necessary items to victims of the Hungarian toxic sludge disaster in Devecser and Kolontar.
วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 14 Jun 2012
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022
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On 7 October 2010, Mr. Pruthipong Poonthrigobol, Charge d’ affaires a.i. led an Embassy’s delegation to donate consumables and necessary items to victims of the Hungarian toxic sludge disaster in Devecser and Kolontar.